Transcription: This town needs an enema! Oh, son of a bitch did that! Son of a bitch did that! Son of a bitch did that! Son of a bitch did that! You thought I was gonna say that, didn't ya? You thought I was gonna say that, didn't ya? You thought I was gonna say that, didn't ya? You thought I was gonna say that, didn't ya? You thought I was gonna say that, didn't ya? You thought I was gonna say that, didn't ya? You thought I was gonna say that, didn't ya? You thought I was gonna say that, didn't ya? You thought I was gonna say that, didn't ya? You thought I was gonna say that, didn't ya? You thought I was go ...
Did U hear d 1 about
Protracker and family
Protracker clone M.K.
Two televangelists were discussing the decline of morals in the modern world. I didnt sleep with my wife before I was married said 1 televangelist self-righteously. Did you? I dont know replied the other. What was her maiden name? ----:---:---:---:---- --:---:---:---:---:-- Some of these samples were made by the Management at Lounge Lizards 919-881-9593 Others were leeched from the Joshua Tree 919-781-6813 War Pig made the MOD and thinks its a pretty funny joke.